Weekly Devotions and Log Sheet
To promote prayer, scripture, community, and exercise as members of First Presbyterian Church we will Walk to Jerusalem together!
Our journey will begin on January 29 and end on April 9. The goal is communicatively to reach Jerusalem as Christ enters the city. Weekly devotions and log sheets will be emailed with the Sunday bulletins or will be available at the church.
Our projected route is across the country to New York City’s JFK Airport where we “board a plane” to cross the Atlantic Ocean to Casablanca, Morocco. From there we journey across northern Africa to Jerusalem. The total trip from First Presbyterian to Jerusalem as planned is approximately 4,811 miles (not counting miles across the ocean). As with any long trip (and life), we may encounter some unexpected detours along the route!
Do not be
intimidated by the total mileage. We are traveling as a group and all
participant miles are aggregated and tracked weekly to help us reach our
destination. Approximately 2,000 steps equal one mile for an average
person. Feel free to use your smart devices (FitBit or smartphone) to help
track your daily “travel.” There will be awards for the top three participants
that individually log the most “miles.” Below are ideas for logging miles and
you are encouraged to be creative when logging miles.
One Mile is equivalent to:
• 20 minutes of active household chores Examples: vacuuming, yard work, washing dishes, laundry, preparing meals, cleaning bathrooms, etc. (This activity can be broken up into 5- or 10-minute segments)
• 15 minutes of devotion, prayer, and Bible reading
• 20 minutes of any physical activity Examples: swimming, playing soccer, playing basketball, exercise class, etc. (Physical Education time at school counts!) Walk around the block at church? Walk in the Family Life Center?
• Attendance at Sunday services (Lenten services start February 22)
• Call and chat with a friend or neighbor. Or send a card.
Two Miles is equivalent to:
• Attendance at Ash Wednesday service (February 22)
• Serving as a Sunday school teacher
• Serving as a Youth group assistant
• Helping clean up after a church meal
• Attendance of a meeting at church Examples: bible study, Session meeting, committee meeting
• Each 20 minutes of community service with a recognized non-profit … Grace Ministries or others.
Three Miles is equivalent to:
• Preparing and serving a church meal, a Lenten supper, or a FISH meal.
• Cook a meal and invite a neighbor or friend to join you … or deliver to them.
Remember to submit each person’s mileage weekly to Eva McCreery.
Our tracker map can be found in the Chapel. Watch our progress each week!