Grace ministries food pantry

Our church's main mission is centered around the Grace Ministries Food Pantry. First Presbyterian Church has managed this local pantry for over

40 years. Located at 114 East C Street, we are open from 1-3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, serving more than 135 families each month.

Volunteers contribute over 3,000 hours annually doing many tasks that include picking up, hauling and unloading food, managing inventory, filling sacks, acquiring funding and managing the pantry's finances, training volunteers, keeping records in order, and handling correspondence and reporting.

Regular rotations during the distribution hours are provided by First Presbyterian as well as volunteers from First Lutheran and First United Methodist.  We are grateful for their assistance.

We are always looking for new volunteers to help with this amazing mission! 

For more information about the pantry, please call (308) 520-7458.

Mission Sunday

“Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” Mark 9:35

Members of FPC gathered in prayer on Sept. 26, 2021 for our first Mission Sunday. Our group separated into smaller teams and ventured to the homes of FPC members to help them with chores they are otherwise not able to complete by themselves. 

Tasks completed: painting, raking, moving household items, planting flowers, trimming bushes, pulling weeds, and yard and alley cleanup.

Mission Sunday is held on the last Sundays in March and September each year.

“Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” Mark 9:35


Mission sewing fellowship

The Mission Sewing Fellowship began their weekly sewing sessions in the early 1980s in preparation for a church bazaar. They enjoyed the fellowship so much that they stayed together after the bazaar and have kept right on sewing through today!  The members make quilts and lap throws and engage in other sewing projects for local mission projects, such as The Connection homeless shelter and the Red Cross. The group also completes assigned sewing projects that are destined for Presbyterian Church (USA) missions. Quilts and lap throws are sent to missions around the world.  Our church members get to see the group’s work regularly, as they present a handmade quilt to each baby baptized in our church.  The Mission Sewing Group meets at the church year around at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday mornings. The members typically bring a brown-bag lunch and work until about 2 p.m. 

Salvation Army Dinners

The church's Board of Deacons coordinates our church’s involvement in cooking and serving a free Friday evening meal every other month at the Salvation Army facility.  More than 100 individuals are typically served at each meal. Church members participate by donating food and by volunteering to help with food preparation, serving, and clean-up.